Local businesses are the life blood of our community, they provide many of the products and services that we need each and every day. More than this, it is local businesses that create employment and the economy that makes the Kenmore, Chapel Hill , Bellbowrie and Moggill area such great place to live.
The businesses that sponsor Kenmore-Moggill Sub-branch understand the freedom that we each have, to choose our own way of life and the importance of fighting to protect that freedom. Not only do these businesses provide us financial support they help us achieve our mission to assist Veterans, local School children, the vulnerable and needy in our community, but much more than this they are an integral piece in the fabric of our society. It is their stories that we need to hear so that as a community we appreciate and understand the important role that they play each and every day in our lives.
Sponsorship of the Kenmore-Moggill Sub-branch is offered at three distinct levels, all of which are appreciated, as every business has supported us to achieve the mission of the RSL in our community. Our most popular level of sponsorship is “Major Sponsor” at $150 per month, this provides a high level of engagement with our community in a variety of different ways. If you would like to sponsor you can choose one of the three monthly option here or look over the table to compare the three levels, helping you to make up your mind.
Simply choose $150 a month to select our our most popular sponsorship package.
Sponsorship allows you to engage in many different ways with our community which you can compare in this table.
If you would prefer to make a one-time donation, you can choosing your own amount to Donate Online, thank you for doing so.