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Remembrance Day Ceremony 2022


VP (Victory in the Pacific) Day, also referred to as VJ (Victory over Japan) Day, is commemorated on 15 August. This date commemorates Japan’s acceptance of the Allied demand for unconditional surrender 14 August 1945. For Australians, it meant that the Second World War was finally over.

VP Day Commemorative Service

 15th August 

Time:    10:30am – Guests Assemble
11:00am – Service Commences

Venue:   Cenotaph at Kedron-Wavell Services Club, Kittyhawk Drive Chermside


A FREE online exercise program EVO is short for ‘Exercise for Veterans Online’, and it’s a new online exercise program providing veterans and their families the opportunity to access exercise and health education sessions twice weekly for a total of 40 weeks. The EVO program was developed by the Healthy Connections Exercise Clinic with the delivery of the program being fully funded by The Veteran and Community Grant (V&CG) program. We would love to have you and your family join our program .Find our more here https://www.healthyconnections.org.au/evo/. You can sign up for this program here https://form.jotform.com/212618251970051If you have any questions, contact Lesley Quirke – Secretary Kedron-Wavell Sub Branch RSL Inc : (07) 33590460Beth Kitson Marketing Team Leader M.Marketing (Griffith Uni)Phone (07) 3624 2121 Fax (07) 3608 4220Email:bethk@burniebrae.org.au

EVO Information

2022 Committee Members

President: Ken Roma                               

Snr Vice President: Peter Cairnes     

Jnr Vice President: Barry Kyrwood

Secretary:  Lesley Quirke            

Treasurer: David Izatt                             

Asst. Treasurer: Russ Brady


John Lunn, Greg Peake OAM,  Greg Russell, Peter Saxon, Rod Sellin, Alan Walker

Images on Webpage

Kedron Wavell Women’s Auxiliary



The KWRSL Women’s Auxiliary provide support to the Sub Branch and Community and meet every Thursday morning in the Community Centre for a social game of indoor Bowls.  For further information concerning the Women’s Auxiliary, contact Carmel Gould, the Women’s Auxiliary President at the Sub Branch on (07) 3359 0460.

Kedron Wavell Ex-Servicewomen’s Association

Kedron Wavell Ex-Servicewomen’s Association

Sadly the Kedron Wavell Ex-Servicewomen’s Association has folded.

ANZAC – Speech by Jedidiah Fesolai

Each year, on the 25th of April, we commemorate and honour the sacrifices of those who have laid down their lives in service to our country. Today, most importantly, we remember those Australian and New Zealand volunteer soldiers, who landed on the battle-stricken sands of Gallipoli – what is now called ANZAC cove, almost 103 years ago. We admire the countless sacrifices of past and current service men and women, for our sovereign common-wealth.
Lest we forget.

World War 1 was a war originating in Europe that lasted from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918. Over 500,000 Australian and New Zealand troops were mobilised, and were shipped off to assist in the western front, in Europe. With Turkey allying with Germany, this opened up a new opportunity for the Allied forces to weaken the expansion of the German invasion, and to establish a new front through the east. This campaign was intended to force Germany’s ally, Turkey, out of the war. The campaign began with an attempt to force their way through the Gallipoli Peninsula in the Dardanelles, by naval power alone but early bombardments on the coastal ports failed. In light of this event, the Mediterranean Expeditionary Forces comprised of British, Indian, French, Australian and New Zealand forces, with members 70,000 strong, were to use a different method as opposed to naval warfare, a full frontal assault. 30,000 of these men, were courageous ANZAC’s.

Before dawn on Sunday 25 April 1915, the first three battleships carrying the first wave of Australians had reached the coast near the Gaba Tepe headland. The expected result was a swift take-over of the beach at Gallipoli, but a combination of unexpectedly hostile terrain and ferocious Turkish defence soon stopped any potential advance and the campaign degenerated into the familiar deadlock of trench warfare.

The day of the landing saw some of the most terrible fighting of the whole Gallipoli Campaign. When officers fell to Turkish bullets, small parties of Australians pushed inland, and fought and died where they stood. Some men were able to reach the third ridge, and others climbed the summit of the height called ‘Baby 700’. However, they were overwhelmed by Turkish attacks.

By the end of the first day, the Australians were relentlessly holding the ragged crests of First Ridge, digging trenches to await the inevitable counter-attacks, while the air sang with the whine and crack of bullets, machine gun fire and shells. By the day’s end, 3000 Australian soldiers were killed or injured, and their beach-head was barely one kilometre deep, instead of the expected seven.

This battle lasted eight months and would be etched forever in our minds. Perhaps the battle that best portrayed the true ANZAC spirit, is one often referred to as, “The Battle of Anzac”. At 3am, on the morning of 19 May, 1915, there were barely 17,000 Anzac troops at Anzac Cove, when they were suddenly attacked by an army of 42,000 Turkish soldiers. After hours of struggle, 10,000 Turkish soldiers had fallen, and a majority of them lay dead and dying in ‘No Man’s Land’. Compared to this, the Anzac casualties were only 628 men. As the days went past, the cries of the wounded Turkish soldiers moved the hearts of the Australian soldiers to pity. These Anzacs were moved by the bravery and courage of the Turkish soldiers. On that day, they arranged a truce, and the Anzacs helped the Turkish bury the dead. This act of kindness would change the attitudes of both sides, acknowledging that above being soldiers, they were still people.

Despite the eight months of tireless fighting, and conflict, the Anzacs held on to their humanity in a world that seemed to resent it. Their bravery and courage, was only matched by the kindness and compassion they were capable of. Let us remember them not only as soldiers, but as the very foundations of this sovereign and free nation we live in today.

Lest We Forget!

Jedidiah Fesolai


Lest we forget…

100 years ago today – the HMAS Sydney sank the German Raider SMS Emden.  This was the first action fought by the Royal Australian Navy.